Rotierte Komponentenmatrixa | |||||||||
Komponente | |||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | ||
trstprt Trust in political parties | ,829 | ||||||||
trstplt Trust in politicians | ,795 | ||||||||
trstprl Trust in country's parliament | ,780 | ||||||||
trstep Trust in the European Parliament | ,774 | ||||||||
trstun Trust in the United Nations | ,734 | ||||||||
stfhlth State of health services in country nowadays | ,699 | ||||||||
stfdem How satisfied with the way democracy works in country | ,673 | ||||||||
stfedu State of education in country nowadays | ,609 | ||||||||
stfeco How satisfied with present state of economy in country | ,519 | ||||||||
ctjbcnt Courts doing good or bad job in country | -,499 | ||||||||
trstplc Trust in the police | ,490 | ||||||||
plcpvcr How successful police are at preventing crimes in country | ,474 | ,332 | |||||||
inmdisc Anyone to discuss intimate and personal matters with | |||||||||
imwbcnt Immigrants make country worse or better place to live | ,316 | ,679 | |||||||
imueclt Country's cultural life undermined or enriched by immigrants | ,326 | ,663 | |||||||
imbgeco Immigration bad or good for country's economy | ,303 | ,601 | |||||||
hrshsnta People who break the law much harsher sentences | ,580 | ||||||||
mnrgtjb Men should have more right to job than women when jobs are scarce | ,556 | ||||||||
impcntr Allow many/few immigrants from poorer countries outside Europe | -,511 | ||||||||
aktpolverb Aktivität zur Verbesserug der politischen Lage in Deutschland | -,454 | -,425 | |||||||
stcbg2t Which sentence: 25 year old male, house burglary, second time | ,445 | ||||||||
wmcpwrk Women should be prepared to cut down on paid work for sake of family | ,419 | ||||||||
pplfair Most people try to take advantage of you, or try to be fair | ,322 | ,405 | |||||||
ppltrst Most people can be trusted or you can't be too careful | ,364 | ,374 | |||||||
wraccrc More likely to be found guilty: Two different races/ethnic groups falsely accused of crime | ,658 | ||||||||
wraccrp More likely to be found guilty: Rich or poor falsely accused of crime | ,653 | ||||||||
plcvcrp How police treat victims of crime: Rich/poor | ,622 | ||||||||
plcvcrc How police treat victims of crime: Different races/ethnic groups | ,515 | ||||||||
lwstrob All laws should be strictly obeyed | -,384 | ||||||||
rgbrklw Doing the right thing sometimes means breaking the law | ,350 | ||||||||
dbctvrd Everyone's duty to back the court's final verdict | |||||||||
plcexdc How often do the police explain their decisions and actions when asked | |||||||||
jdgcbrb How often judges in country take bribes | -,635 | ||||||||
ctmtgfr How often the courts make mistakes that let guilty people go free | -,523 | ||||||||
plccbrb How often do police in country take bribes | -,500 | ||||||||
ctprpwr Courts protect rich and powerful over ordinary people | ,305 | ,372 | ,469 | ||||||
ctinplt The courts' decisions are unduly influenced by political pressure | ,459 | ||||||||
plciplt Decisions and actions of police unduly influenced by political pressure | ,307 | ,400 | |||||||
troff5y How often committed a traffic offence last 5 years | ,354 | ||||||||
ctfrdc How often the courts make fair, impartial decisions based on available evidence | ,348 | ||||||||
mnrsefw Main reason I put effort into my work | |||||||||
widprsn How willing to identify person who had done it | ,758 | ||||||||
wevdct How willing to give evidence in court against the accused | ,744 | ||||||||
caplcst How likely to call police if you see a man get his wallet stolen | ,714 | ||||||||
freehms Gays and lesbians free to live life as they wish | -,441 | -,339 | |||||||
bstln5y How often bought something that might be stolen last 5 years | -,319 | -,351 | |||||||
flsin5y How often made an exaggerated or false insurance claim last 5 years | -,327 | ||||||||
dscrgrp Member of a group discriminated against in this country | |||||||||
fltlnla How much time during past week you felt lonely | -,517 | ||||||||
happy How happy are you | ,511 | ||||||||
polintr How interested in politics | -,357 | -,476 | |||||||
vote Voted last national election | -,446 | ||||||||
gvprppv Government do more to prevent people falling into poverty | ,427 | ||||||||
sclact Take part in social activities compared to others of same age | ,411 | ||||||||
pdaprpa Considering efforts and achievements in job I feel I get paid appropriately | -,402 | ||||||||
mbtru Member of trade union or similar organisation | -,344 | ||||||||
mmbprty Member of political party | |||||||||
plmedknsm Politik-Medienkonsum | |||||||||
crvctwr How often worry about becoming a victim of violent crime | ,655 | ||||||||
crvctef Worry about becoming victim of violent crime has effect on quality of life | ,602 | ||||||||
brghmef Worry about home burgled has effect on quality of life | ,586 | ||||||||
brghmwr How often worry about your home being burgled | ,479 | ||||||||
pplhlp Most of the time people helpful or mostly looking out for themselves | ,373 | ,441 | |||||||
aesfdrk Feeling of safety of walking alone in local area after dark | -,357 | ||||||||
crmvct Respondent or household member victim of burglary/assault last 5 years | |||||||||
wkjbndm I would enjoy working in current job even if did not need money | -,767 | ||||||||
pdjbndm I would enjoy having paid job even if did not need money | -,710 | ||||||||
sclmeet How often socially meet with friends, relatives or colleagues | ,307 | ,318 | |||||||
Extraktionsmethode: Analyse der Hauptkomponente. Rotationsmethode: Varimax mit Kaiser-Normalisierung.a | |||||||||
a. Rotation konvergierte in 9 Iterationen. | |||||||||